Ngā mihi mahana ki a koutou (Warm greetings to you all),
This week we welcome Isaiah Pritchard, a Massey teacher to Rimu in with Meagan and Hannah for the next 7 weeks. We know the tamariki in there have made him feel at home already. We look forward to watching you grow as a teacher over this time Isaiah. Mabuhay to Leonel who joins us in Mataī with Trish. His family have moved to Aotearoa from the Philippines. Nau mai haere mai to you both… In other personnel news, it was with regret that we received a resignation letter from Bridgit this week. As some of you may know, Bridgit has been a member of our kura for the last 7 years and went on leave for 2023 for health reasons. Although this has improved for her, she had to make the tough decision to not come back to full time employment. However she would like to work here part time, so we have locked her in for next term to take the one day a week in Mataī which Faye can no longer do as she moved next door to teach in Pōhutukawa for Term 4. We have also secured Jen Caddick for next term to pick up the remainder of Faye’s teaching load next term and she will teach in Rātā and Kahikatea part time releasing Karen and Anneliese. Earlier in the week as pictured below, Kerian and myself went to McDonalds to claim his prize for winning our design for the cover of our production. This was a pretty cool way to spend our Monday lunchtime together and we lived up to our promise and brought back Cameron a Happy Meal!

Year 5/6 Camp 2024:
I know this is quite far away but we want to keep the whānau of our current Year 4/5 students (so those who will be in Year 5/6 next year) in the loop regarding this. Cameron and Karen have organised our camp to be at Highland Home, which is in the Pohangina Valley and will be from Tuesday 5th March – Friday 8th March 2024. At this stage, the projected costs are to be $200 per child. We will give those who will be involved next year more information next term. Please reach out to Julie if you’d like to set up a payment plan or me if you might require support in playing this.
School Production:
It is now only 8 school days until our tamariki take the stage for our production Past Present Future on Wednesday 13th September at 6pm at the Regent on Broadway. Tickets are sold through Ticketek or you can buy them at their ticket office. We have enlisted the services of Andrew Turner from Artisan Media to film our entire production and will make this available to you when it comes back to us. We please ask that you don’t take images/video and put these on social media as we have families who have made the decision to not have their child on these platforms. On the day, we will all catch the bus to and from the venue leaving at 9am sharp. Rātā and Rimu will come back to school at 12pm and the rest of the school will leave at 2pm. We would love some parent support on the day, so if you could indicate on the form if you can help us out, that would be greatly appreciated. Could you please drop your child off at the rear entrance to the Regent (on King Street) at 5.20pm on the night so that we can get the students ready to go.

40 Hour Challenge:
Charlotte from World Vision visited on Monday to acknowledge the huge efforts of five of our students picture above in the 40 Hour Challenge. Marley raised $474, Cassius and Munroe raised $293, Kazuri and Zavier raised $226 bringing our total to a whopping $933! I know there were some people that forgot, so I wonder if we might be able to get more students involved next year.
From the PTA:
Massive thanks to the PTA team who organised our Disco last Friday. It was a really cool night with lots of sweet dance moves and limbo skills. DJ Oscar played all the fan favourite tracks and kept the kids amused. They had a PTA meeting on Wednesday night and discussed a few future fundraising ideas and potential school projects to support. Watch this space.
Student Illness:
We have had quite a few more cases of Covid creeping back into our hāpori (community) so just the usual advice, if you are unwell, please stay home until you are better as we have been sending home a lot of sick kids this week. If your child is unwell, you can report their absence very easily through the Hero app by clicking Report an Absence on the home page or the three lines up in the top left hand corner.
All the best to our DanceNZMade team of 30 that are spending the day at the Regent all day next week on Monday 4th September and then performing on stage that evening. Shane has put all the messages out on Hero and will be meeting you all down there on the day. Please reach out to him if you need any more information. We know it will be another great event!
From the Community:
–Welcome Pōwhiri – A warm welcome to Palmy if you are new to our beautiful city. The Manawatū Multicultural Society extends a heartfelt ‘Kia Ora’ and invites you to join them Saturday 2nd September at 10.30am Te Manawa Museum for the renowned welcome ceremony hosted by Rangitāne.
–Need Firewood? Local firewood business owner Georgie is offering discounted rates to schools in the area. They are doing a mac/pine mix and these are stored outside under tarps so may have some rain wet pieces, but are burnable or in preparation for next winter. Contact 0210489768 or
-Across Te Kotahitanga O Te Wairua are running a ‘Fear-less Anxiety Programme’ which is designed to reduce anxiety in 6-12 year olds. This is a free 6 session course which runs over a term with afternoon and evening options. You can book in here.
-Miles from True Hoops is running his usual basketball holiday camps at the CET Arena in October. Information for the Bigs is here and the Littles are here.
-Epic Music Academy is running their Epic Music Holiday Programme, check out the flyer for more information.
–iBike4Kids registrations are filling up fast for their Sunday 10th September event. More information online or get tickets here.
Kia pai tō rā whakatā (Have a great weekend)