Ko wai tātau? (who are we?)

Turitea School Board of Trustees


Liam McBride

Presiding Member

Troy Duckworth

Mooney-Hannah-2018-002 3

Hannah Mooney

Trustee/Te Whānau Māori Rep

Joeli Nagera

Me 2022

Niki Murray


Peter Butler


Anneliese Nikorima

Staff Representative

A word from our Presiding Member

Liam McBride

It is my honour to be the current Presiding Member of the Turitea School Board. I have been involved with Turitea School for six years, and on the board for just under four years.

Turitea is a very special school, with its family focused, welcoming, and semi-rural nature. Alongside this it is a high performing and inclusive school, and as a board we are extremely proud of the achievements of all our tamariki. A high performing culture is not possible without a dedicated and considerate team of teachers focused on inspiring and aspiring to deliver a well-rounded primary school experience.

As a board we need to ensure the school has all at its disposal to continue to push boundaries and strive to continually outperform our expectations. Turitea is also very fortunate to have a very strong skill set amongst the current trustees and it has also made me appreciate the passion, pride and dedication from all whom strive to make Turitea the successful school it is.

welcome message

Role of the Turitea School Board

Turitea School Board are Crown entities and are responsible for the governance of schools. The Board’s role is to make sure that your school is run in the best interests of your students and your community.

A school’s board needs to be able to assure the government that:

  • the students in the school are receiving a high quality standard of education
  • national priorities for school education are being addressed in the school
  • the resources are being used prudently to ensure the highest possible quality programmes are provided for students.

The board’s role is to:

  • ensure the school has a clear sense of purpose by establishing its strategic objectives, documenting these objectives in a school charter, and monitoring progress in achieving these objectives
  • set priorities and goals for improvement of learning and achievement in the school
  • seek assurance from the management (principal and senior staff) that the programmes being implemented in the school can achieve the goals
  • monitor the school’s performance against student achievement outcomes
  • seek assurance from the school’s management that the school’s resources are being used optimally to deliver the agreed outcomes, ensuring, for example, that resources are available to ensure the knowledge and skills of the teachers are up to date
  • be accountable for the exercise of decision-making rights.

The board of trustees can be contacted via the principal.

Policy & Procedure Documents

All policy and procedure documents are published with SchoolDocs. 

You can access these by visiting the website below and logging in with the username ‘turitea’ and the password ‘oldwestroad’.

Turitea School Board Minutes

Turitea School Board publishes the minutes of all meetings on this website. Members of the school community, as well as the wider public, are encouraged to read them and provide feedback on any matters that interest or concern you.

You can access all minutes by clicking the button below: