Te Whānau Māori o Turitea

Te Whānau Māori o Turitea has been established to support the accountability of the Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees at Turitea School is accountable for the performance of the school, focusing on raising student achievement for all students. This includes making decisions that support Māori learners to enjoy and achieve education success, as Māori.

Our goal is to support the bicultural focus of Turitea School. We provide representation of whānau Māori on the Board, and provide consultation on decision-making with the overall view of ensuring Māori student progress and success.

Te Whānau Māori o Turitea is open to all whānau of Māori learners within the school community. Members within the group are at different levels of te reo and tikanga, and we extend an open invitation to all school families willing to learn and be involved. Please feel free to contact us at any point for more information.


Callan Reid

Whānau Rep
Email Cal

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Hannah Mooney

Whānau Rep on BoT
Email Hannah