Pānui (News)


End of Week 10 Pānui 2022

Kia ora e te whānau, I write you this pānui whilst in isolation as Covid has finally affected my household. Luckily it hasn’t hit us too badly, but it has kept me at home this week if you had noticed that I wasn’t around. The powers of technology though with me still being able to keep up with what has been happening in the classrooms through Seesaw


End of Week 9 Pānui 2022

l well at the end of another fantastic week! If you’ve been up to school lately you might have noticed the school is looking pretty sharp! This is massive thanks to the whānau who rocked up last weekend for our Beautification Day. I can’t thank you all enough for helping out.


End of Week 8 Pānui 2022

It has been great to see so many kids back this week and I’m pleased that all our teaching staff are out of isolation now too. Gosh, it has taken its toll on our community and affected over half of our school! For those who are still unwell, Kia piki tō ora (get well soon).


End of Week 7 Pānui 2022

Just wanted to commend you all on your compassion and empathy in getting through this current world climate, as it hasn’t been an easy time for a lot of families.


End of Week 6 Pānui 2022

As another week comes to a close here, I want you to know how much I am loving being the Tumuaki/Principal of your kura. I feel fortunate to lead such a fantastic group of teachers and learners! Thank you all for your support and compassion you are showing through some challenging times across our country. It has made my transition smooth as.


End of Week 5 Pānui 2022

Getting in one day early everyone since this is the last reminder that school is closed for instruction tomorrow on Friday 4th March as it is a Teacher Only Day.


End of Week 4 Pānui 2022

Gosh, the weeks are flying by now as we are fully back into the swing of school again. Another juicy one here whānau with lots of things happening, so please take the time to read everything happening over the coming weeks.


End of Week 3 Pānui 2022

Here’s hoping this weekend’s weather is a bit kinder than the last two. We were lucky at school that we didn’t lose any trees or otherwise, but I heard from a lot of the kids that the same can’t be said for some of you!


End of Week 2 Pānui 2022

Just like that, we are another week down whānau. It has been a cracker of a week with some massive temperatures, making our aircon units work overtime!


End of Week 1 Pānui 2022

Well just like that ‘Week One is Done’ and I’ve survived my first week as a principal and I’m just loving my new role out here!