I can tell from how intuitive Hero is, that nearly a quarter of you are connected through the app. It tells me that two thirds of you have received and read communications from us too via email. So we are getting there. If you haven’t made the shift yet, it is pretty simple. Apple users click here or Android users click here to download the app. If you have any questions, come and ask us for help, that is what we are here for.
Pānui (News)
End of Term 3 Week 1 Pānui
Welcome back to the new term. First time coming to you through our new school app HERO. Am hoping you have all got connected ok. Will still be posting this on the Skool Loop to catch those who haven’t made the transition across yet. Please reach out if you have connectivity issues as we do need a valid email address listed in our system so we can link you to your child/ren to access this. It’s simple and we hope you love it!
End of Term 2 Pānui
Today your child should come home with their mid year report. We hope you find these reports informative as our teachers spent a lot of time crafting them for you. It is a new format and I have tried to explain the reasoning here. Next term we plan to have another round of learning conferences where you can meet with your child’s teacher to discuss the content further and set some goals. Don’t feel like you need to wait until then to meet with your child’s teacher though as effective learning needs an effective partnership.
End of Week 9 Term 2 Pānui
We’ve been hit pretty hard by the winter illnesses with up to 30% of our tamariki away over the past weeks. Unfortunately our lovely Julie has been out with Covid this week and a few staff members have been ravaged by this flu going around. Our relief teacher pool is empty meaning some of your kids might not have their usual class routine on some days. Thanks to those of you who are letting us know when your child is sick. Remember this is really easy to report via the Skool Loop App in the Absentee tab.
End of Week 8 Term 2 Pānui
Isn’t this weather a welcomed return? Look at the beautiful blue sky that our Ki O Rahi team had today for their tournament this morning! They had a fab morning playing against 11 other schools in the annual tournament run by Kelly Sports. Let’s hope it keeps this up over the Matariki long weekend which starts now.
End of Week 7 Term 2 Pānui
I have to give a huge thanks to all the people who supported our Marae visits this week. What a fantastic two days we shared there together! I know the weather wasn’t ideal, but we made the most of being together. As I mentioned on Monday night, I was a really proud tumuaki to have the turn out we did to support our Matariki Celebration. There was a beautiful article published on Stuff about our time also.
End of Week 6 Term 2 Pānui
I don’t know about you, but isn’t it funny how when you have a short week, you make up for it by squeezing a full week of mahi into it? Thanks again for your support in allowing us to visit some amazing schools on Tuesday. The teachers came back buzzing with the things they saw and some changes as you may have heard, where implemented the very next day!
End of Week 5 Term 2 Pānui
Hoping this finds you all alive and well this week marking the halfway point of the term. I am really excited to take the teachers on a bit of ‘roady’ on Tuesday as we are visiting 3 local schools to see the cool things they are doing. Thanks for your support in finding alternative arrangements for your children so that we can do this.
End of Week 4 Term 2 Pānui
What a fantastic day we had yesterday for our school Cross Country and Fun Run. So much wairua (resilience) was on display and I was really proud of everyone’s involvement! The vibe, the community support and the whānau involvement further showcased our school value of whanaungatanga.
End of Week 3 Term 2 Pānui
Wow what a change in weather since the last time I wrote to you all. We have been hit with plenty of rain out here meaning that our kids haven’t always been able to get outside during break times. But they breed them tough in the country right? So as I have communicated to you, we encourage ‘Rainy Day Play’ as long as kids have a change of clothes and a waterproof jacket, so they aren’t in wet clothes for the rest of the day.