Ngā mihi mahana ki a koutou (Warmest greetings to you all)
I have to start the pānui with sending a huge mihi (thanks) to James (Dad to Joseph in Mataī) from Dwyer Tech for helping us fix our front fence. Our insurance claim only just got accepted yesterday and they have managed to fit us in right away – Ka Rawe! (Awesome!) I personally can’t wait to have this fixed, as I don’t like our front entrance looking like it is. If there is a ‘silver lining’ to this incident though, it has given us some leverage to potentially fast track the Interim Speed Management Plan around schools, in which we fell to the bottom end of the list in order of priority. Today I met with the police who were investigating this and the Head of Traffic Services for our region from Waka Kotahi (NZTA) and expressed our concerns with them both and they want to help. Here’s hoping I can share some positive news with you soon.

Hui ā Kura (Assembly):
This afternoon we had our second Hui ā Kura (assembly) of Term 2 and Sophia and Kérian were our Year 6 hosts. As always, they entertained us and got the rest of the school involved with Tōtara and Rāta sharing their mahi toi (artwork) pictured above and below. We also recognised those who demonstrate our uara (values) consistently and getting their tiwhikete (certificate) are:
Rimu: Harvey – Mātauranga and River – Mātauranga
Rātā: Ben H – Whanaungatanga
Pōhutukawa: Van – Mātauranga
Mataī: Ella J – Mātauranga
Tōtara: Charlotte – Mātauranga
Kahikatea: Kérian – Manaakitanga
Tumuaki: Billy F – Whanaungatanga

Cross Country:
Our tamariki have been busy training for our event next Friday 31st May from 11am. We will be running the event differently than last year, with a new layout for the course to hopefully streamline things and make the event run smoother. A separate Hero post will go out with all the information for you early next week. The top 5 runners in Year 5/6 of the school event are eligible to go to the Interschool Event, which is on Wednesday 5th June (the day after our Staff Only Day) at the Ashhurst Domain. The top 5 from all ages are then eligible to compete in our Cluster Event on Thursday 13th June at Stewart’s Farm on Albert Rd in Tokomaru.
On Monday, our Year 5/6 students worked with Jaydn from Whakapai Hauora (Best Care) learning about the traditional Māori game called Ki-o-Rahi. It blends elements of rugby, handball and tag and the objective is to score points by touching the pou (markers) and hitting the central tupu (target) with the ball, all the while preventing the other team from doing so. The game is based on the purakau (legend) of Rahitutakahina and the rescue of his wife Tiarakurapakewai. He will work with them for the next few Monday’s in preparation to take a team to the Interschool tournament on Wednesday 26th June at Fitzherbert Park.
Te Puna Reo:
Wow, I had a tremendous uptake on those requesting access to Te Puna Reo, our Māori Language provider, which gave me a happy heart. I am trying to work through the log of people to create accounts for everyone, so please bear with me whānau as I’ll have it to you soon. Some of you may have already received an email with access. If you are having trouble logging in, click the reset password link on the email or let me know and I can send a request. Kia Kaha Te Reo Māori! (Have a go at learning Māori)
Pae Tamariki:
We have been confirmed that our tamariki will take stage at Pae Tamariki at the Regent on Tuesday 18th June at 11.40am. Hopefully you can add that to your calendar and can ‘nip out’ of work to come watch them shine on stage. More information will come about this in the coming weeks as we get closer to the performance date.
Matariki/Puanga Celebrations:
Hopefully another date on your calendar is Thursday 20th June from 9.30 – 1.30pm, where we have been invited to perform our Kapa Haka bracket at the Matariki celebration at the Cultural Centre inside the Linton Army Camp. We are all invited to attend and learn about this important day in Te Ao Māori, as well as share some kai with them. If anyone wants to come along and help to dig the Hangi pit, the afternoon prior, please get in touch with me. They also want to help our kura by constructing some garden beds, so if anyone has any wood suitable at their home that isn’t being used, please reach out.
From the PTA:
Unfortunately we had to postpone our PTA AGM due to illness this week. So we will hopefully see you next week on Wednesday 22nd May from 7pm. You would have seen the PTA Quiz Night advertisement on a separate Hero post. This is on Saturday 6th July at the Manawatū Hockey Pavilion from 7pm. See the poster above for more information and register your team here.

Chess Club:
It has been great to see so many tamariki coming in from 8am to Mataī on Wednesday and Friday mornings for Chess Club. Our value of mātauranga in action as you can see above. Cameron takes those who are slightly more competitive on Tuesday lunchtimes in preparation for Cluster Chess next term.

Just a friendly reminder that the four yellow lined parks directly outside the office pictured above are designed to be a quick pick up/drop off before and after school. We invite you to stay in any of our other parks for longer, but if you could leave those parks for the prompt visits, that would be appreciated.
Palmy Brick Show:
This event is on King’s Birthday weekend (1st-2nd June) with two days of amazing LEGO displays and Interactive activities. It is at Arena 3 in CET Arena on Pascal Street. $5 entry Get tickets here or cash/eftpos on the door. Check out the poster and the brick building competition they are also running.
Staff Only Day:
I am pretty sure that Tuesday 4th June (the day after King’s Birthday) is on your calendar already, but here is another reminder as we are having a Staff Only Day (along with the other 20 primary schools in our Kāhui Ako) at PNINS to connect with Rangitanē, our mana whenua for a collective symposium. Thanks for your support on giving us this day of mātauranga (learning).
Rimu/Rātā Trip:
Unfortunately the poor weather on Tuesday meant our teina (juniors) had to postpone their trip to the Wildbase on Tuesday. This will be rescheduled and we will communicate this with you.
Kia pai tō rā whakatā (Have a great weekend)