Kia ora e te whānau,
There aren’t many more memorable days than a Cross-Country day in a rural school setting I reckon. I myself attended a small rural school called Harrisville, south of Auckland, which was very similar to Turitea in a lot of ways and we had to run through cow paddocks filled with mud and cow pats for our event too. I remember my teacher, Mr. Short, told us that this was ‘great character building’ so it would make him very happy that roughly 30 years later, we are still giving our tamariki the same experience. I understand that running isn’t everyone’s jam, but I was proud of the wairua (resilience) shown by those who gave it their all. The support that everyone provided one another was really special too. These events take lots of careful planning, so huge mihi (thank you) to:
- Julie and Dani for organising the whole event from start to finish. Awesomeness must run in the whānau.
- Fraser (Mackenzie, Lincoln and Harvey’s Dad) for using his knowledge of the farm to design the course.
- Tim (Natalie and Rory’s Dad) for helping set up every aspect of the course, making it streamlined.
- Julia, Fran, Mina, Paige, Kyla and Bella from PNGHS who acted as marshals and high-five givers.
- All the whānau members who came and supported and cheered on the runners. It was amazing to see!
Here are all the results from today and a few pics that we managed to take.

Interschool and Cluster Cross Country:
The top 5 runners in Year 5/6 of the school event are eligible to go to the Interschool Event, which is on Wednesday 5th June (the day after our Staff Only Day next week) at the Ashhurst Domain. There will be a separate note on Hero about the day which you will receive today. The top 5 runners from all age groups are then eligible to compete in our Cluster Event on Thursday 13th June at Stewart’s Farm on Albert Rd in Tokomaru. A notice about this event will come out next week.

Tough Guy/Gal Challenge:
On Monday, we had 30 Year 3-6 students compete in the Tough Guy And Gal Competition at Massey University. They all braved the cold and mud and did exceptionally well as you can tell from the picture above. Thanks to those parents who also weathered the less than ideal conditions and supported the team.
Pae Tamariki/Matariki/Puanga Celebrations:
Hopefully your calendar has a couple of dates circled on it.
- Pae Tamariki at the Regent on Tuesday 18th June. On stage at 11.40am.
- Community Matariki/Puanga Event at Cultural Centre inside the Linton Army Camp on Thursday 20th June from 9.30 – 1.30pm.
- We need some support to dig the Hangi hole on Wednesday 19th June in the afternoon, please get in touch with me.
From the PTA:
Thank you to those who came to the PTA AGM on Wednesday evening. Our roles for the year were voted on. Jo (Emily and Jack’s Mum) and Sarah (Finn and Lachie’s Mum) will be our Co-Chairperson, Dani (Makenna’s Mum) is the Secretary and Kim (Olivia’s Mum) is Treasurer. Their focus is organising for our next big event which is our Quiz Night on Saturday 6th July at the Manawatū Hockey Pavilion at 7pm. Register your team here. If anyone has any merchandise from their work that they would like to donate for some of the raffles, please get in touch with the team.
Thanks to those who have followed the rules of our four yellow lined parks directly outside the office, which are designed to be a quick pick up/drop off before and after school. We invite you to stay in any of our other parks for longer, but if you could leave those parks for the prompt visits, that would be appreciated.
What to do this Long Weekend?
- He Ara Kotahi, Hei Ara Kōrero officially opened today along the river walkway. This digital storytelling experience enables visitors to experience historical pūrakau (stories) by scanning the six significant sites via QR codes. It uses augmented reality to see what each site looked like in the time of the tūpuna (ancestors) creating an exciting new perspective on the rich history of the Manawatū.
- The Palmy Brick Show is on at Arena 3 in CET Arena on Pascal Street. Get tickets here or cash/eftpos on the door. Check out the poster and the brick building competition.
- The Red Cross Book Sale is on at Arena 5 in CET Arena on Pascal Street. With over 100 000 books, jigsaws, games, CDs, DVDs, records, sheet music, magazines and newly knitted items.
Piano for Free:
Preshen (Sanah’s Dad) has a piano that he wants to help find a new home for. Flick him an email if you are interested. You’d need to be able to pick it up from him in Summerhill.
Here is the Public Health News May Issue if you are interested in reading.
Please don’t forget there is NO KURA/SCHOOL on Tuesday next week as we are having a STAFF ONLY DAY (along with the other 20 primary schools in our Kāhui Ako) at PNINS to connect with Rangitanē, our mana whenua for a collective symposium.
Hei te Rāhoroi (See you Wednesday)