

End of Week 2 Term 4 Pānui

Thanks to those of you who came and used our kura as a polling booth last weekend. We went from nearly 80 people using it in the 2020 election to over 200 people this time. Whenever the government changes, all too often changes will happen in schools as a result. I am unsure what this will completely look like for us going forward, but all passionate Tumuaki across our country will continue to fight for our kura and our tamariki to make sure that any changes we have to undertake, are for the better. We are the professionals with vast...


End of Week 1 Term 4 Pānui

Nau mai, hoki mai (welcome back) to our final term of the year. Just like we do on the first day of every term, we had a fantastic mihi whakatau (welcome) on Monday for our new whānau who have joined the school in the last term. A special mihi to Thatcher who joined Meagan and Hannah in Rimu for his first day of school. His proud big brother Parker made him feel very welcome. On Thursday, we had something occur that Iā€™ve never had in any school Iā€™ve ever taught in over my many years of teaching - we had...


End of Term 3 Pānui

Today we farewelled Shane (AKA Mr. Brown) from Turitea School. He started his teaching journey here in 2009 and has taught nearly 350 children and taken almost the same amount of school singing sessions. We know he will love the next chapter of his life as he follows his passion of music and theatre with New Stage Productions. As you can see below, he donated a beautiful Pōhutukawa tree that we planted next to the sandpit as a way to remember him. The following whakataukÄ« comes to mind with his new endeavour - ā€˜Whāia te iti kahurangi, ki te tuohu...


End of Week 9 Term 3 Pānui

While Troy has been away this week at a principal conference and visiting student teachers from Massey University at Te Kura o Take Kārara in Wānaka and Andersons Bay School in Dunedin, I have had the pleasure of writing this pānui. The Past, Present, Future Production on Wednesday night was a fabulous and heartwarming experience! To see our tamariki come together to deliver such a wonderful performance was a proud moment for all of us. It certainly shone a light on our school values of Manaakitanga (showing kindness to others), Kaitiakitanga (showing guardianship of the environment), Mātauranga (setting goals in...


End of Week 8 Term 3 Pānui

Today I was treated to a full dress rehearsal for our school production and I can tell you that I got quite emotional during their waiata (singing) Our tamariki all sing with such mana (prestige) and passion, I found myself glad I was wearing sunglasses. Unfortunately for me, last year I booked to attend the annual NZ Principals Federation (NZPF) Conference in Queenstown long before the date for production was set and it just so happens that the two events clash. But there was limited availability for hiring the Regent and the date we chose suited everyone best, so sadly...


End of Week 7 Term 3 Pānui

This week we welcome Isaiah Pritchard, a Massey teacher to Rimu in with Meagan and Hannah for the next 7 weeks. We know the tamariki in there have made him feel at home already. We look forward to watching you grow as a teacher over this time Isaiah. Mabuhay to Leonel who joins us in MataÄ« with Trish. His family have moved to Aotearoa from the Philippines. Nau mai haere mai to you bothā€¦ In other personnel news, it was with regret that we received a resignation letter from Bridgit this week. As some of you may know, Bridgit has...


End of Week 6 Term 3 Pānui

Yesterday was another sad day for our Turitea whānau as we lost Letti and Kaiya from our kura as their move down to Wellington today as shown above. It is quite the commute, so we can understand why they have had to leave our school. Thanks for being part of our community too James and Elise, you will be missed. Mā te wā (see you again) Earlier in the week I went on a bit of a ā€˜roadieā€™ with six of my fellow ManawatÅ« tumuaki to look at some kura in rural Taranaki. We were all inspired by what we...


End of Week 5 Term 3 Pānui

This week we welcomed two new students to our kura. Charlotte is a Year 5 and joins the team in Tōtara with Cameron. Sheā€™s come to us all the way from Germany, so Willkommen in der Familie. Eddie is the first in his whānau to come to Turitea School and joins Meagan and Hannah in Rimu. Nau mai, Haere mai e te whānau.


End of Week 4 Term 3 Pānui

Yay for the sun today! Doesnā€™t it just make you feel happier? Unfortunately it is always sad when we lose a whānau from our community. Today marks the last day at Turitea School for Eli and Lachie as they relocate to the UK. I know you both will be missed by many here. Kia noho haumaru (safe travels) boys, along with parents Andrew and Alice on the next chapter of your journey. Hopefully we see you all when you come back home. You will always be part of Turitea.


End of Week 3 Term 3 Pānui

Nau mai haere mai to our three brand new 5 year olds who joined Rimu with Hannah and Meagan this week. Labeebah is the first of her family to join us here at Turitea and Ben and Hazel are both the younger siblings of Harry and Lily in MataÄ«. It is always a special time when we have whānau at school together like this. Last term we asked for your voice around six key questions about our kura. These were: what you love about our school, what opportunities we should consider, what cultural values and beliefs youā€™d like to see...