Ka nui te mihi mahana kia koutou,
And just like that we have finished the penultimate week of the school year! The common conversation around the place at the moment is ‘How is it already December?’ as it does feel that this year has flown by. Our end of year trips have begun with Mataī and Pōhutukawa visiting the Wildbase Discovery Centre yesterday and Rātā and Rimu going to Memorial Park today. I’m joining in on the fun with them, hence why I’m getting this to you earlier than usual. Yesterday, Iti and Manawa from Kahikatea took our last class assembly for the year and they did an amazing job entertaining us, just like every one of our other Year 6’s who have taken on this leadership role. We know we will set them off to intermediate school next year with that bucket filled. Our values certificate recipients for this week were:
Rimu: Lea – Manaakitanga and Esme – Manaakitanga
Rātā: Charlie T – Mātauranga
Pōhutukawa: Oliver – Mātauranga
Mataī: Jackson – Mātauranga
Tōtara: Asher – Manaakitanga
Kahikatea: Hoani – Manaakitanga
Tumuaki: Nina – Whanaungatanga/Manaakitanga

Wildbase Fundraiser:
We had our annual fundraising event for the Wildbase Discovery Centre on Tuesday. It was a great market day with lots of cool activities to do and things to buy. I always am in awe of how great our tuakana (seniors) are at looking after our teina (juniors). It really does embody our school uara (values) of manaakitanga and whanaungatanga. We thank you for your generous contributions as we raised $750 to add to our yearly contribution to help the great cause down there.

Kapa Haka:
On Wednesday, our tamariki from Kahikatea and Tōtara went to Linton Camp School to share their learning this term. It was a great experience for our kids having an audience to showcase their talent to. Have a watch here to see their passion and flair! Unfortunately the morning got off to a bumpy start for Whaea Tūrehu as she awoke to find their truck had been broken into right outside her whare (house) on Ruapehu Drive and somebody had stolen her rakuraku (guitar). As you can imagine, being a kapa haka kaiako, she needs this for her mahi and is a significant loss as she has had it for 18 years and composed many waiata with it, so has a lot of sentimental value! If anyone wants to help her track it down, please reach out or share.
Pool Keys:
Ben and Wei have been working tirelessly to get our pool ready for you all to enjoy. Unfortunately, it is not quite ready as the levels are bang on but the water is still a bit murky. We will try to get Shaun the pool guy to come out as soon as he can so we can open those gates. If you would like a pool key for the summer period, there are a few left. They are $40 and there is a new unwritten agreement that comes with being a pool key hirer and that is that you have to water our vegetables in the garden beds between Kauri and the pool. Meryl will leave the hose out for you.
PTA Xmas Party for Kids:
We are looking forward to this event next Thursday 14th December. If you are new to our school, the pool will be open (hopefully) and kids will be encouraged to bring water guns and pool toys for an afternoon of fun to finish the year. The PTA will put on a couple of slices of pizza, an ice block and a visit from Santa. There will be quiet options for those who prefer that too. Huge thanks to the PTA who run this and keep this Turitea tradition going. Parents/whānau are very welcome to attend and join in too.
End of Year Reports/Class Placements:
Our goal is to have both of these live to you next Thursday 14th December. You will be able to see them in Hero. You will get a notification when these are posted. You will also be able to view your child’s next year’s class as well as who their teacher is. They will all meet together for morning tea on Friday morning in their new classroom too.
Puna Kōrero:
In addition to reports and classrooms going live next week, we will also open bookings for Puna Kōrero. ‘A puna is a spring of water and kōrero means both voices and stories. Puna Kōrero is a metaphor for the many voices of parents and whānau members who, when sought and listened to, provide clarity about what can most help their tamariki to be successful in education.’ These will be on Monday 29th January from 9-5pm
Turitea Sports Uniforms:
If you are the parent/caregiver of a Year 6 student or know that you are leaving Turitea School at the end of the year, can you please arrange to return your sports uniform to the office before you leave. If you are staying here next year, there is no need to return anything, unless your child has gone through a growth spurt and needs a bigger one, then send it in to the office when you can.
End Of Year Dates:
These are available on our website or by clicking the three lines in the top left hand corner of Hero and choosing Events.
-Year 6 Excursion to the Lido: Tuesday 12th December @ 9.30am.
-Year 6 Graduation: Wednesday 13th December @ 5.30pm.
-PTA Xmas Pool Party for Kids: Thursday 14th December @ 12.30pm.
-End of Year Prizegiving/Final Assembly: Friday 15th December @ 12pm.
-School finishes for 2023: Friday 15th December @ 1pm.
Colgate Product Collection:
Just a reminder that at the end of 2023 will mark the discontinuation of this programme in our school. Thank you if you participated in collecting these products to recycle.
From the Community:
-True Hoops Summer Camps: Today we farewelled Miles as he had his last session with us for the year. He is ‘part of the furniture’ with us at Turitea, which we love. If you have some kids who have loved working with him, head to True Hoops to register for his upcoming basketball camps. There has been a date change since my last communications and the camps will start 1 day later due to a double booking at the Arena.
-What will Palmy look like in 2034? Next year PNCC are working on their plan for the city for the next decade. They are keen to get young people involved and have their say. Their art/stories will go on billboards, social media and have them pasted around the city. A cool holiday activity to do. Simply email them or send them a direct message on Facebook.
-Linton Cobras Rugby League Muster: This Sunday 10th December, they are running a muster to try and grow the primary (5-7 year olds) numbers and the 11-14 year old girls, if anyone has an older sister. They also need coaches in the 8-11 year grades too. Join the Facebook group here to get more information.
-The Y! Pick Up Service: The Y! has reviewed their Linton service and from January next year, they will no longer be offering pick up service from Turitea School to Linton. Massey Kids Club is an alternative, but their spaces are filling up quickly, so if you want to inquire about switching you can get in touch with Jasmine.
-Summer Movie Nights: Check out what is on offer over the summer. These family-friendly evenings are free and held on weeknights across Palmy from 6-8pm. Popcorn and giant games will be provided for all to enjoy, but you are encouraged to bring your own picnic and seating.
-Netball Xmas Holiday Programme: Netball Manawatū are running three evening sessions which are a great way for parents to do their Christmas shopping. Check out the flyer for more information.
-Holiday Code Camps: Akotech are running code camps at PNINS from 8th-11th January & 15th-18th January. These allow kids aged 7-12 to develop 21st century skills in a fun, action packed environment.
-Kids Triathlon Series: The ‘I Tri’d the Tri’ series entries are now live here for next year. This well run and fun event is on the following Mondays in 2024: February 12th, 19th, 26th, March 4th, 11th.
-Summer Reading Programme: This exciting programme is back at the City Library. It is open now until the end of January 2023 and is for students aged 4-10 years old. Check out their flyer for more information.
-XRace 2024: The details are live on their website about this cool whānau event on Friday 1st March from 6-8pm. If you are interested in taking part in this, check out the information here
Bit of a novel today, sorry whānau, just have a lot of information to get out to you.
Ngā tauwhirotanga,