Ka nui te mihi maioha koutou, (a warm greeting to you all)
Our love and thoughts again are with Trish, whose dear mother passed away peacefully on Wednesday night, with her funeral being next Thursday. She wants to thank you all for your understanding at this tough time and appreciates all your support. Faye will be in the Mataī all of next week and we expect Trish back the week after. This week we welcomed a new whānau made up of Jonah and Kaea who have moved into the area and from Masterton. Jonah is in Pōhutukawa with Shane and Kaea joins Hannah and Meagan in Rimu. We also welcomed Ariki to Rimu who started school with us on Monday, Nau mai haere mai e te whānau!
Whānau Consult:
Last week you should have received the whānau consult letter that came home with your child. Hopefully you have found some time to sit and have a cuppa tea on us and do that. This survey is available to fill out online if you prefer that option or even book a time to pop in and have a chat with me face to face. This voice will all feed into developing our Strategic Plan for 2024-2026. Congratulations to Ella Cole, who was the first one to get the survey completed and Donna Scott was the 15th person to do our survey undertaking, so they got their $25 New World vouchers from us. Make sure you get your response in by Friday 16th June as we still have 30th and 45th places to still give out. Some classes have set a goal of collecting everyone’s voice to earn a class reward and I’m sweetening the deal even more for your kids by offering Hells Pizza vouchers and Lunchonline vouchers for those whose parents do the survey.
Cross Country:
The Palmerston North Year 5/6 Interschool Cross Country will be held at Massey on Wednesday 7th June (The next school day after today) The Fitzherbert Year 1-6 Cluster Cross Country will be the day after on Thursday 8th June at Stewarts Farm in Tokomaru. Thank you to those of you who have got the forms in on time and have offered transport support with both events. Anneliese will attend the Interschool and Karen, Anneliese and Aimi will attend the Cluster event as support for our runners. Karawhiua koutou (Give it heaps everyone)

Cluster Chess:
Cameron took #TeamTuritea to Ōpiki yesterday for the Cluster Chess Tournament and we came 3rd overall. We had a lot of individual success with Nate being the Year 5/6 Champion, Lily the Girls Champion and Eli the Year 1/2 Runner Up. Ka mau te wehi to our team and the parents who supported us with transport.

Tough Guy/Gal Challenge:
Cameron has been a busy boy this week as he was also with our team of Tough Guy/Gal’s for their challenge. So much wairua (resilience) was shown by the kids who did this course and had lots of rekareka (fun) while they did it.
40 Hour Challenge:
Today my cousin Charlotte, who works for World Vision came to talk to our Year 3+ kids about the upcoming 40 Hour Challenge which is on the weekend of 17-18th June. If your child wants to partake, the link is here to get registered and the slides she shared today are here if you wanted to talk with them about the commitment involved in doing this.
From the PTA:
- Thanks to all the families that joined us for our Pool Party event last Saturday night. It was a great night and we hope everyone enjoyed themselves.
- Don’t forget to take advantage of our Pepper&Me fundraiser! If you haven’t heard of them, try them out, we don’t think you will be disappointed. It’s pretty easy to fill the cart with yummy things. You get 5% off the retail price and Turitea gets 15% of the total sales made. The link can be accessed here and will be live from this Sunday. Use the code FUNDTURITEAPTA if needed.
- Next PTA meeting is Wednesday 21st June, giving you plenty of notice. We would love to see some new members come. We promise we won’t give you a job (straight away – haha)
From the Community:
- Red Cross Book Sale is on this long weekend from Friday 2 June – Monday 5th June at the Barber Hall on Waldegrave St. Lots of amazing bargains, treasures, books, games and puzzles.
- The Women’s Football World Cup are looking for Ball Girls for the Palmerston North games next year.
- Pink Tip Nails – Jeannah is still offering a community discount to Turitea whānau. More info click here
We had a practise fire drill evacuation today, so in case your kids tell you the alarm was going off at school, that’s what it was and they all did really well at getting to our field in a safe and orderly fashion. See you all back at school on Wednesday 7th June.
Kia pai tō rā whakatā (Enjoy your long weekend)