Ka nui te mihi mahana kia koutou,
This will be the last pānui I write to you for 2023 and I’m getting in a day early ahead of our last day tomorrow as I know it will fly by. I want to thank you all for such a positive year here at Turitea. I am really proud of our school and all that happens in and around the place. It has a beautiful vibe with happy children and friendly parents. I’ve been feeling spoiled too with so many whānau writing beautiful cards and giving me lovely and thoughtful gifts. I appreciate you all and am lucky to have such an amazing and supportive community. This afternoon will be a great way to finish the year with a bang, with our Xmas Pool Party happening from 12.30pm! Huge thanks to our amazing PTA team who help to put that on.

Meri Kirihimete messages from our tamariki decorating Julie’s office window!
Whānāu Farewells:
Last night we officially farewelled our amazing group of Year 6 students as they soar off to intermediate school next year. Whakamihi nui ki a koutou (Congratulations) to Callum, Franklyn, Grace, Grayson, Hannah, Harlow, Hoani, Iti, Juliette, Lily, Maikara, Manawa, Mason, Matilda, Nate, Nina, Olivia, Richie, Ruby and Te Aranga. For some of these kids, they are the last of a long whānau line of older siblings, ending a connection with Turitea over quite a few years. Haere rā (Farewell) to the Agnew, Cassidy, Chagne, Hutson, Tootell, Peters, Hart and Hawkins whānau. We value all that you have brought to our school culture and we hope you leave here with fond memories and know the door here is always open for a return visit. All the best to you and your whānau for the next stage of your journey. As I mentioned in my kōrero to you last night, take this whakataukī with you… Kia hoki atu te waewae, Kia hoki mai te whakairo, Kia whaka tōmuri, te haere whakamua – As you leave this place, let your thoughts and memories return. Walk into your future with your eyes fixed on the past.

Saying goodbye is never easy, but circumstances change for some whānau as they move locations and schools. We regretfully are losing Parker to One School Global and Eli/Marley to Waiouru School for next year. You will all be missed by us all here at Turitea as you have your last day with us tomorrow.
End of Year Reports/Class Placement:
Today you should receive a notification to view your child’s end of year report on Hero for 2023. I have included a slideshow here to explain this. This can also be viewed in Hero by clicking the About This Page section on the 2023 report page. It gives you information about reading the graphs, how to print and how you can help at home etc. If your child is in Rimu, they will bring home a printed report instead of the Hero one mentioned above. (It might pay to check their bag if you haven’t seen it) To see their class placement for 2024, click on the 3 lines in Hero up in the top left hand corner, then click the down arrow next to your child’s name and then My 2024 Class to see their placement for next year. They will be meeting their next year’s teacher and class tomorrow at 10.30am, so they can leave school knowing what next year might look like.
Puna Kōrero:
‘A puna is a spring of water and kōrero means both voices and stories. Puna Kōrero is a metaphor for the many voices of parents and whānau members who, when sought and listened to, provide clarity about what can most help their tamariki to be successful in education.’ Today I have opened bookings in Hero for our Puna Kōrero which will be Monday 29th January 2024 from 9-5pm. Click on the School Bookings icon on your dashboard and follow the easy instructions. We urge you to book in a slot to connect with your child’s kaiako for 2024, even if you already know them.
School Stationery for 2024:
Just like this year, next year we are continuing the services of OfficeMax for our back to school stationery. You may have even received an email from them if you purchased your stationery from them at the start of the year. You will be able to purchase your child’s stationery directly from them as a complete pack and have it sent to your house. Each class has a slightly different pack that you order through their MySchool page by clicking the link and entering Turitea in the orange space. Choose our school, then view the requirements list, enter your child’s details, choose your child’s class for next year and the rest is pretty self explanatory.
Team Turitea for 2024:
Here is the list of the wonderful people who make our school the amazing place that it is. I’ve also included their email address if you need to get in touch with any of us.
- Karen Walker in Kahikatea (Year 4-6) karen.walker@turitea.school.nz
- Cameron Schaw in Tōtara (Year 4-6) cameron.schaw@turitea.school.nz
- Trish Molloy in Mātai (Year 3/4) trish.molloy@turitea.school.nz
- Anneliese Nikorima in Pōhutukawa (Year 2/3) anneliese.nikorima@turitea.school.nz
- Anna Kane in Rātā (Year 1/2) anna.kane@turitea.school.nz
- Meagan Gooding in Rimu (Year 0/1) meagan.gooding@turitea.school.nz
- Hannah Evans in Rimu (Year 0/1) hannah.evans@turitea.school.nz
- Faye Taylor (Release Teacher – 4 days) faye.taylor@turitea.school.nz
- Bridgit James (Release Teacher – 2 days) bridgit.james@turitea.school.nz
- Aimi Morris (Teaching Assistant in Rātā) aimi.morris@turitea.school.nz
- Mitzy Walmsley (Teaching Assistant in Rimu) mitzy.walmsley@turitea.school.nz
- Kirstin Wilson (Teaching Assistant) kirstin.wilson@turitea.school.nz
- Julie Macdonald (Office Admin) office@turitea.school.nz
- Danielle Macdonald (School Sport) sport@turitea.school.nz
- Meryl Butler (Caretaker) caretaker@turitea.school.nz
- Troy Duckworth (Tumuaki) principal@turitea.school.nz
Camp Parents for 2024:
Massive thank you to those who put in an application to be a camp parent. We were blown away to receive 23 applications to fill 11 spaces. Although we would have loved to take everyone, a ballot process was conducted to choose those who would come. Sorry if you missed out, but we appreciate having so many willing and skilled parents who wanted to come join us. If you were chosen, please can you get the police vetting forms back to me by tomorrow so I can get this process started over the holidays.
Turitea Sports Uniforms:
If you are the parent/caregiver of a Year 6 student or are leaving Turitea School, can you please arrange to return your sports uniform to the office before you leave. If you are staying here next year, there is no need to return anything, unless your child has gone through a growth spurt and needs a bigger one, then send it in to the office when you can.
Sports Coaches:
Last night our final sport for 2023 wrapped up and I want to say whakawhetai (thank you) to all our coaches/managers. Out of school sport relies heavily on parents/whānau stepping up to take a team. I know it is hard to juggle this around work/home life, but just know you are appreciated. If you have assisted in any way over the year with any sports team, thank you so much! If you have one of our gear bags, please can you send it back to the office tomorrow.
Fancy Nails:
Today our staff were very lucky to have their nails done by Jeannah (Katara’s Mum) in her cute pink and white caravan out the front of the school. They all chose pretty colours and enjoyed their pamper session. If you want to get your nails looking beautiful for the festive season, hit her up at info.pinktips@gmail.com.

From the Community:
-What will Palmy look like in 2034? Next year PNCC are working on their plan for the city for the next decade. They are keen to get young people involved and have their say. Their art/stories will go on billboards, social media and have them pasted around the city. A cool holiday activity to do. Simply email them or send them a direct message on Facebook.
-The Y! Pick Up Service: The Y! has reviewed their service and from January next year, they will no longer be offering pick up service from Turitea School to Linton. Massey Kids Club is an alternative, but their spaces are filling up quickly, so if you want to inquire about switching you can get in touch with Jasmine.
-Summer Movie Nights: Check out what is on offer over the summer. These family-friendly evenings are free and held on weeknights across Palmy from 6-8pm. Popcorn and giant games will be provided, but you are encouraged to bring your own picnic and seating.
-Holiday Code Camps: Akotech are running code camps at PNINS from 8th-11th January & 15th-18th January. These allow kids aged 7-12 to develop 21st century skills in a fun, action packed environment.
-True Hoops Summer Camps: Register for a True Hoops basketball camp starting next week.
-Summer Reading Programme: This exciting programme is back at the City Library. It is open now until the end of January 2023 and is for students aged 4-10 years old. Check out their flyer for more information.
-Kids Triathlon Series: The ‘I Tri’d the Tri’ series entries are now live here for next year. This well run and fun event is on the following Mondays in 2024: February 12th, 19th, 26th, March 4th, 11th.
-XRace 2024: The details are live on their website about this cool whānau event on Friday 1st March from 6-8pm. If you are interested in taking part in this, check out the information here
Hoping you all have a safe and happy festive season. Remember that school closes tomorrow at 1pm, but we hope to see you at our End of Year Prizegiving at 12pm in the Quad (or Tāne Mahuta if it is wet)
Ngā mihi o te Kirihimete me te Tau Hou (Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year)