End of Term 3 Week 9 Pānui

Mihi atu ki a koutou, (Greetings to you all)

This week the pānui comes to you from Anna in Troy’s absence. He’s in Ōtautahi (Christchurch) for Tau Mai, Tau Tahi! (The Trans-Tasman Principals’ Conference). I’m sure he will come back with many exciting ideas and stories to enrich our tamariki at Turitea. 

Spring Fling

The Spring Fling was unbelievable. That was my first experience of it and it far exceeded my expectations. Our amazing tuakana from Totara and Kahikatea let their creativity fly with their creations and in my opinion should be running their own stalls at many markets around town to earn some extra pocket money. Then we had Leo B (Leo’s luxe candles) and Riley G (Riley’s Creations) who run their own businesses and what incredible entrepreneurs they are. I also couldn’t believe how talented many of our whānau are with their stalls! My wallet was definitely a lot lighter upon leaving. To our incredible PTA committee that spent many hours planning, preparing, and crossing all their fingers and toes for fine weather – ngā mihi nui ki a koutou! 

From the Fundraising Committee:

We held our first ever Turitea School Spring Fling event last Saturday at school and what an incredible turnout! It was an amazing day and we want to thank everyone that came to support us! The Spring Fling event was a resounding success, raising substantial funds of $5,863.80 for the new bike track for our tamariki to enjoy. An extra special thanks to those of you who offered your time and helped us in many different aspects in pulling the day off, we truly can’t do it without you all! Massive thanks to our sponsors and supporters of the day, we are so lucky to have such supportive and generous supporters in our school community. You’re all amazing! We would love your feedback on your experience of the Spring Fling so we know the parts you enjoyed and any aspects of the event that could be reviewed. It would be much appreciated if you could take the time to fill out this form.

Te Wiki o te Reo Māori: 

This week was Te Wiki o te Reo Māori. We celebrated this all week with very hiamo (excited) tamariki. Whāea Anneliese organised a different kaupapa (topic) each day. We learnt about ngā whakaaro (feelings), ngā tae (colours), ngā tūmahi (verbs), kai (food) and hakinakina (sports). If our kaiako (teachers) or kaiawhina (teaching assistants) heard our ākonga (learners) using the kupu (words) they would get a mīharo token. Every morning at hui a token was drawn out to receive a special prize. This is to tautoko (support) the kaupapa of ake, ake, ake – a forever language focus for Te Wiki o te Reo Māori. 

Our winners this week were:

Tūrei (Tuesday) – Oliver S
Wenerei (Wednesday) – Logan
Tāite (Thursday) – Patrick
Paraire (Friday) – Cassius

First Aid:

Megan from Hato Hone (St John’s) ran her first session this week with Rātā, Pohutukawa, and Kahikatea to give our ākonga (learners) the knowledge of what to do in an emergency. Rimu, Mataī and Totara will have these next week. She was very engaging and taught us that we can use the ABC to jog our brains in an emergency

A – Any dangers?

B – Big shake and ask “are you awake?”

C – Call 111

Senior Ship Call:

Totara and Kahikatea zoomed called Sophia’s mum aboard a research ship off the coast of Chile. She was there finding out about a volcanic explosion. She showed us around the ship and we saw lots of different things like a movie theatre, helipad, bunk rooms and research labs. We got to see what a robot under the sea could see. It was really far down, about 3.5km. We asked her a whole lot of questions. We had a lot! They showed us lots of new discoveries. We also spoke to an artist on the ship and she was painting the ocean floor. Her art was really beautiful. Thank you so much to Anke for taking the time to call us and share her time on the boat. We learnt a lot! 

By Ada and Natalie 

Holiday Programmes:

With only 5 school days remaining in the term, you might like to check out some of these options for your kids over the upcoming school holidays:

  • Wellington Phoenix Football Camp is on at Marist Sports on October 10th/11th Register here.
  • Central Football is on at PNBHS with a range of dates as well as mixed and girls only sessions. Register here
  • Bounce Academy is at Massey University. See their website for more information
  • True Hoops Basketball Camp is on at the CET Arena on October 7th/8th. Register here.
  • Young Stars Performing Arts Holiday Programme is on at Woodville School from 2nd-4th October and at Bunnythorpe Community Centre from 9th-11th October. Register here.
  • Wild Nature School have their programme. Email Kirsty for more information.
  • Massey Kids Club have their programme. Email Lakin for more information.
  • Kelly Sports have their programme. Email Craig for more information. They have also opened their afterschool clinic for Term 4 on a Tuesday afternoon and you can register here.

From the Community:

  • IPU Tertiary Institute of New Zealand is hosting their Sakura Day this Saturday 21st September from 10am – 3pm with plenty of things to see and do for the whole whānau. 
  • Manawatū Youth Orchestra: Spring Concert is on this Sunday at PNBHS. Tickets can be purchased here
  • The Mudder Event is on Saturday 21st September at 498 Makuhou Rd, Marton from 8am – 3pm. This event comes highly recommended from some of our Turitea Whānau. You can get tickets here. 
  • Kinky Boots has opened at the Regent on Broadway and runs until Saturday 21st September. Our very own spring fling entertainer Dani is in the choir ensemble, proudly sponsored by Kate and the team at Bijonei Hair Design. She features in this alongside ex-student Manawa from our kura last year. This show comes highly recommended, so if you fancy a night out, get your tickets here.
  • Icebreaker Aquatics is looking for new swimmers for next term. Check out their flyer here or have a chat to Janina (Antonio and Ella’s Mum) before or after school one day.
  • Real Parents online parenting workshop – these are targeted for rural or busy parents who would love to do some learning but don’t have the time to get into town. Each workshop has a cost of $18, click the link for dates and times.
    Children’s wellbeing and resilience with Anna Mowat
    Future Proofing – what it takes to grow great adults

Kia pai tō rā whakatā (Have a good weekend)