Kia ora rā e hoa mā (Hello friends),
Trusting you’ve all been enjoying all the Olympic action over the week and haven’t been staying up too late getting your ‘fix’. It was great to see our Kiwi Rowing Team making their mark overnight, wasn’t it? Although the Olympics are entertaining to watch, there is so much learning that our kaiako are pulling out and using in their classroom around this event. The Maths, Writing, Artwork, PE links that are made prove to be an amazing learning experience for our ākonga (students). I know I don’t usually promote kids on screens, but please let them have a watch over the weekend as it promotes awesome kōrero (discussions) in class and gives them that prior knowledge they can use.

One highlight of this week for our teina (junior students) was their 100 Day Party that they had in Rimu on Monday. (However, the actual 100th day of school was last Thursday) 100 multicoloured numbered balloons littered the floor in there and lots of rekareka (fun) was had as seen above. To add to the celebrations, today the staff and students celebrated Tumeke Tumuaki Day (Principal Appreciation Day) and I was showered with lots of beautiful treats. I feel lucky every day to be principal of this school, so it was nice to feel the aroha (love) as you can see above with the cards and letters.

Every week I am usually gifted with something and earlier this week, Patrick and Mila C made me a beautiful Sand Art creation during their play session which is displayed proudly below on the board in my office. Mihi atu ki a koutou (Thank you everyone)

I am usually at the gate every afternoon farewelling everyone and on Wednesday I couldn’t resist snapping this beautiful photo of Charlie and James’ Nana Liz’s dog, Macy. It is pretty evident from the photo below that Macy arrives at school to pick up the boys and ‘assumes the position’ to get maximum hugs and belly rubs from all the kind students at Turitea we have. Our uara (value) of Manaakitanga in action, all the time!

Hui ā Kura (Assembly):
Today we had our first Hui ā Kura (assembly) of the term and Charlotte and Milana were our Year 6 hosts setting the bar high for everyone else who is presenting this term. As always, we recognised those who consistently demonstrate our uara and receiving their tiwhikete (certificate) this week are:
Rimu: Quinn – Whanaungatanga, Ayla – Mātauranga
Rātā: Kaia – Mātauranga
Pōhutukawa: Logan – Mātauranga
Mataī: Isla – Mātauranga
Tōtara: Ada – Mātauranga
Kahikatea: Munroe – Manaakitanga
Tumuaki: Mila C – Manaakitanga
Cluster Chess:
Yesterday our team of Ada, Ben D, Billy F, Cassius, Charlotte S, Ezekiel, Indi, Kyerin and Tahu went to Ōpiki School to compete in the Cluster Chess Tournament. Elias came second in Year 6 Boys and we came third overall as a school on points. Ka mau te wehi! (Awesome)
Speech Finalists:
The Year 4-6 students have showcased maia (bravery) this week by getting up in front of their peers and delivering their poetry recital or speeches. Those going through to the finals next Monday are Sophia, Carmen, Milana, Kazuri, Ada and Charlotte for the Year 5/6’s and Leo S, Kyerin, Mikhail, Joe, Munroe and Mackenzie from the Year 4’s. The winner and runner up of the Year 5/6 competition will compete at the Cluster Speech Competition that we are hosting next Friday.
Younger Siblings Coming to Turitea:
If you have any children under the age of five at home that would like to attend Turitea when they do turn five, please can you let us know through our pre-enrolment form which can be found on our website here. This helps our planning for the future and how many students we can let in that are out of our school zone to keep our numbers at the healthy 140-160 region.
From the PTA:
The Spring Fling is on Saturday 14th September and we are still looking for helpers! If you’re interested, please let one of the team know by email, or message their Facebook page. They still need book donations for the pre-loved book sale, please contact them to organise a collection or bring them in to the office.
From the Garden:
Do you have any 2 x 3 seedling punnets floating around your house? Meryl would love to have them to propagate some of our seeds that we have and grow in our new tunnel house which is almost complete.
Yummy Apple Stickers:
We want to exchange these for free sports gear, so if you have sheets or stickers floating around, please send them in to the office on Monday. Then we will start the collection again for this time next year.
Morning Drop Off:
A gentle reminder to not drop your child off before 8am in the morning. We offer this to help parents in the morning who have to work, please don’t take advantage of this as this small group is not actively supervised.
From the Community:
- Armageddon Expo is on this weekend for those Sci-Fi lovers from 9am-5pm at the Fly Palmy Arena. Head to their website for more information and ticket purchases.
- Does your child want to learn an instrument, play in a band and perform on stage? Epic Music Academy runs their instrument tuition programs in school, and registrations are open for this term! To sign up, simply ask the office for a sign up form, check out our website, or email them.
Intermediate Transition:
For parents of our Year 6 students, here is all the information you need for enrolling your child in their next school in 2025.
- Palmerston North Intermediate Normal School (PNINS): Open Day is next Tuesday 6th August with three time slots (9.30am, 11.30am, 2pm). They gave us a timetable for their transition dates too. Please let us know at the office if you are attending these so we can mark your child accordingly on the roll.
- Monrad Tirohanga Intermediate: Open Evening is next Tuesday 6th August from 6pm – 7.30pm. Their prospectus can be found here.
- St. Peters College: Open Evening is next Thursday 8th August from 5.30pm – 7.30pm. Their prospectus can be found here.
- Ross Intermediate: Open Day is Tuesday 21st August. More information here. Their parent guide can be found here.
- Linton Camp School: Open Morning for their intermediate programme is on Thursday 22nd August from 11.30am – 1pm.
Kia pai tō rā whakatā! (Have a great weekend)