Kia ora rā e hoa mā (Hello friends),
We’ve made it whānau – Half way through the school year already! We trust you all received your child’s report through Hero (Or via their school bag if they are in Rimu). Hopefully you were able to find the time to sit with your tamariki and go through this with them to share in their successes. Although these reports are designed for the parents or whānau to read, our kaiako craft these in a way that celebrates the ākonga (student) as a learner. All too often, the people that the report is about, don’t actually get to see/hear what is written in it. Hence why, we’d appreciate it if you made time to do this with your child. I’m confident they will feel pretty cool after this process, especially if you level it up with a hot chocolate or a little treat…

Whakawhetai ki a koutou (We are grateful) if you made an appointment with our kaiako yesterday or Wednesday for our Kōrero Mai (Learner Conferences). As with all things we do at Turitea, we value your feedback on how these went for you. If you could please do the short survey below to give us some voice on how we might be able to improve this process for you. We won’t be offended by your response as we want to get it as right as we can, so please answer honestly. If you have other thoughts about this, I’m ‘all ears’ so please email me. If you did come to Kōrero Mai, hopefully your tamariki took you to Tāne Mahuta (Hall) to see their Matariki mahi toi (artwork) and the Carved Paukena (Pumpkins) There are some pics above and below if you couldn’t make it.

This morning we had a poroaki (farewell ceremony) for Chichi as his whānau are moving up to Auckland. Although Chichi has only been in our kura for a short time, he leaves a lasting impression on us all. Next term he is joining Mission Heights Primary School. We wish him and his whānau all the best with the next chapter of your lives. 告别 Gào bié (Farewell)

Ngā Taonga Tākaro/Traditional Māori Games:
This afternoon, we finished Kaupeka Tuarua (Term 2) by engaging in a Traditional Māori Games rotation where our tamariki worked in Tuakana/Teina (Senior/Junior) groups to learn different Māori games and activities. Today they learnt:
–Horohopu: a game where a poi toa (swinging ball) is thrown to team mates to catch in the ‘point zone.’
–Ti-Uru: a game similar to Horohopu where a poro (ball) is passed between team mates to catch it while standing on a whariki (mat)
–Hei Tama Tu Tama and Hipitoitoi: Two coordination and reaction games that involve using your body or your hands, that are played with a buddy trying to catch them out.
–Matau/Maui: a stick game that practises left and right and coordination using rakau (sticks).
–Whakarongo Mai Tamariki Mā – You probably know it as ‘Simon Says’
-Pepa, Kutikuti, Kōhatu – You will know it as Paper, Scissors, Rock.
It was then my goal to try and teach them to say Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu, which is the longest place name in the world, that is less than 2 hours drive from Palmy. Some of them nailed this, which was amazing as it took me about two weeks to learn! Have a go here and see how you go.
Roof in Tāne Mahuta/Kahikatea:
Over the holidays, the team from Streamline Roofing and Kynoch Construction are working on our roof, so today Karen and the team from Kahikatea relocated to Kauri (Library). This will be their classroom for the duration of this job as the noise will be too much if they were to stay in there. Obviously this isn’t ideal, but as some of you may know, Kauri was a classroom a few years ago, so this transition shouldn’t be too disruptive.
Dani takes DanceNZmade practice every Tuesday/Friday for those in Year 3-6 who wanted to join. Today is the last day that you can sign up, so they can lock down line formations and costumes. You can do this here then clicking on Entries then Dancer Development Registration then Palmerston North Regional 2 then Registered Dancer and fill in their details. The Interschool event is next term on Tuesday 12th August.
From the PTA:
Thanks to those who have signed up for our Quiz night tomorrow night at the Manawatū Hockey Pavilion. Doors open at 7pm and the Quiz starts at 7.30pm. Looking forward to having a ‘wee hoolie’ with you all.
Holiday Programmes:
- Epic Music Academy – Head to Epic for registration and more information.
- Manawatū Cricket Association (MCA) – Click here for registration and more information.
- Bounce Academy – Check out their basketball holiday programme here.
- True Hoops – Register for their basketball programme here.
- Wild Things – Have a look at this newly offered nature based programme.
- Netball Manawatū – Check out what they have on offer.
- Kelly Sports – Has something fun every single day.
From the Community:
- Winter Can Can Appeal. A small can, can make a big difference! We are setting up a can donation bin for this cause in the office next term if you would like to contribute and help someone out in need.
- Let’s Play Palmy is back! Get ready for some fun adventures these school holidays as our popular Pop Up Play series returns. Check out the flyer here for more information.
- Great Fathering Programme. This programme started last week, but if anyone is interested, they might let you join late. Information can be found here.
Intermediate Transition:
Next term there will be a lot of information for those parents with children in Year 6 as they transition on to Intermediate School in 2025. We have been sent information from PNINS already with their timetable here. Keep an eye on this space and apologies if it doesn’t concern you (yet).
Thanks to everyone for another productive term at Turitea School. We have squeezed a lot of cool things into these past 10 weeks. We massively value your support with our sports teams, our trips and excursions that you assist us on. You make our community the special place that it is. Hoping your tamariki have a well earned rest these next two weeks.
Like we do at the start of every term, we will be holding a Mihi Whakatau (Traditional Welcome) in the quad at 9am on Monday 22nd July to welcome all of our new whānau to Turitea. As always, you are more than welcome to attend, learn and be part of this important ceremony in Te Ao Māori (The Māori World)
Hei te kaupeka tuatoru! (See you in Term 3)