Ngā mihi mahana ki a koutou (A warm greeting to you all),
We had a momentous day at school on Wednesday where we now have three generations of the ‘Maclan’ all attending Turitea School. You all know the lovely Julie, our office extraordinaire and her daughter Dani, who organises our school sports, choir, last year’s amazing school production and she even came here as a little girl. Now we have Dani’s daughter Makenna joining Meagan and Hannah in Rimu giving us the ‘trifecta’ of Macdonald ladies. A unique situation that I am pretty sure doesn’t occur at many kura across the motu (country).

Yesterday while I was on the gate after school, Lily and Ella came and shared with me their creation they had made using all natural products. To me, this epitomised child-led play and the imagination of some of our kids. Check it out below, it made me realise the importance of how we are living in a world surrounded with technology and devices, that getting involved in nature is critical and really enjoyable for our children.

Big thanks to Matt Goddin, parent of Greer in Rātā who leads the local Rapid Relief Team RRT, who are a not-for-profit organisation committed to supporting those in our public schools who are needing additional support. They provided a bunch of resources for those in Rimu which they loved as you can see below.

Year 6 Mural:
Yesterday, Carolyn and the team of Year 6’s completed our mural and it is something that we know you will all love! It was a bit emotional as we bid farewell to her as she applied the final coat of lacquer and packed away all her painting supplies. She quickly became ‘part of the furniture’ here at Turitea, as she shoots off to Central Normal School next week to do their mural with them. The conversations that have been had and the process that they have all been through to get to the finished product has been simply outstanding and this will be shared with you all too. We cordially invite you to the official unveiling of this on Monday 11th March at 9am sharp. If you are around, nau mai haere mai (come join us).
Your tamariki might have told you that this year we have learnt a new karakia that we start our day with, end our day with and say before we eat our food. To those unfamiliar with karakia, it translates to a ‘prayer, chant or incantation.’ These do not have a religious aspect to them and are often used in many formal and informal daily rituals in Te Ao Māori (The Māori World). As you may be aware, we always start our day together in the quad as soon as the bell goes at 9am and say a Karakia Timatanga (Opening Chant). We then always sing a waiata (song) to give mana (power) to this and set a positive tone for the day. Some classes have already learnt a Karakia Kai (Food Blessing) and they do this prior to having morning tea or sometimes before their brainfood break. We then end our day with a Karakia Whakamutunga (Closing Chant) to wrap up the day and ensure everyone leaves in good spirits.
Thank you to those who have sent in notes about where your whānau are from, to your child’s kaiako. Teachers have been sharing amazing stories in the staffroom about some of the connections you all have to different countries around the world through your tipuna (ancestors) being born there. If you haven’t sent this in, please do so as this is amazing learning for your tamariki.
This afternoon we had our first fortnightly assembly for the year and Ada and Tahu from Tōtara were our Year 6 hosts, demonstrating their confidence and leadership in standing and talking in front of an audience. As always, our uara (values) are at the forefront, where we celebrate those tamariki who embrace these consistently throughout the school. Here are this weeks recipients:
Rimu: Labeebah – Whanaungatanga and Kason – Mātauranga
Rātā: Mila R – Manaakitanga
Pōhutukawa: Charlie P – Mātauranga
Mataī: Ben – Manaakitanga
Tōtara: Topher – Whanaungatanga
Kahikatea: Indi – Mātauranga
Tumuaki: Ada – Whanaungatanga
Year 5/6 Camp:
Next week on Tuesday, our school will feel a little bit empty as our Year 5/6 students from Kahikatea and Tōtara go off to camp for the week at Highland Home in the Pohangina Valley. Thank you to the parents who are going along to support and to those who have agreed to cook some kai over the weekend to take. We know it is going to be an amazing week filled with lots of cool experiences and memory making opportunities. Our Year 4’s in those spaces are either joining Mataī with Trish or Pōhutukawa with Whaea Anneliese, but on Thursday, they are going out for the day to join their classmates at camp for the day with me – How fun!
AA Big Little Sponsorship:
Last week I advertised the AA Big Little Sponsorship, so please help us spread the word and nominate our school for the chance to win one of two $10,000 sports grants. Winning takes teamwork, so please get involved by sharing the link and getting them to nominate our school. It takes a couple of minutes to do it here.
Junior Cluster Athletics:
Next week on Thursday our Year 1-3 students are heading off to Junior Cluster Athletics at Linton Camp School. Their school PTA are organising lunch for anyone would like to order it, please fill out the form and pay us before Monday 4th March.
Year 5/6 Interschool Triathlon:
A separate post went out about this earlier in the week. Sign up here if your child is keen and able.
From the PTA:
Thank you to those who have added their thoughts to the PTA BIG IDEAS BOARD or alternatively you can email them to
Whilst our Yeah! Girls Cricket has been gaining traction, our Year 3-6 Boys get their opportunity from Monday 18th March where they have 4 sessions over 4 weeks trying to get them involved. MCA offers Smash Play, which is for those new to cricket and the programme is targeted at those in Years 1-4. More information can be found here. They also offer Smash It! which is for those that have either been part of Smash Play, played some cricket already or for those in Years 3-5. More information can be found here.
HSOB Rugby:
Last week, Hayden came and shared with the school information about joining the ‘best club in Palmy’ High School Old Boys. Check out their FB page here if you’d like to know more.
What’s on in Palmy:
- Linton Camp Family Day is tomorrow from 10am – 2pm. More information here If you are interested, we need names and the car license plate by today as this is given to the gate so you can get in.
- Esplanade Day – This Sunday 3rd March from 10am – 3pm. (Here’s hoping the weather is nice)
- Rural Games are on next Friday 8th March – Sunday 10th March at Te Marae o Hine (The Square) from 9am – 4.30pm. More information can be found here.
- Blokarting – Have a go at this fast growing sport at the Sanson Domain on Sunday 17th March at the Sanson Domain. More information here.
- Heybarn – Have a shed on your property that you aren’t using and want to make some money off? Check out Heybarn and their current offer.
All the best to those kids playing in the Touch Tournament tomorrow at Monrad Park. Karawhiua! (Give it heaps)
Kia pai tō rā whakatā (Have a great weekend)