Kia ora e te whānau,
Hoping to see you all tonight for our annual PTA run Overnight Camp. As mentioned previously, this is a bit of a Turitea tradition and a great showing of our school uara (value) of whanaungatanga (community). I look forward to seeing our field transform into a campsite. Massive thanks to the organsing team from the PTA and everyone involved to make the evening a success.
Unfortunately Karen has been off sick most of this week with Covid, reminding us that it is still around in our community. Usual reminders, if your child is sick or are showing flu-like symptoms, please stay home. Let us know via Hero in the Report an Absence section or email Julie at

Turitea in the News:
You might have seen our Garden Club made the Manawatū Guardian yesterday as shown above. Check out the beautiful writeup that showcases all the amazing mahi (work) that Meryl does in and around our kura. She models our uara of Kaitiakitanga (environment) and shows that we care and is educating our tamariki to care too.
Year 6 Mural:
This week, Carolyn Dodd has come in to work with our Year 6 students to upgrade our mural on the court side of the wall where our flagpole is. She is becoming renowned in the area for helping schools create beautiful murals with ākonga (students) and the kura at the centre. The team above prepped the boards ready to paint on and each of our Year 6’s will have some part to play in the many aspects of this process. You can see some of her work at Russell Street and Central Normal schools. She will be with us for the next few weeks working with us and we hope to have this finished and mounted by the end of term for the grand reveal. Huge thanks to Carolyn and the PTA for funding this project.

Giant Pumpkin Competition:
It has been great to see a few more photos added to our Facebook Page that Meryl created for people to share their progress with their enormous paukena (pumpkin). One of our lovely relievers Jen has got in on the action too and she might give Jackson or Finn and Lachie a run for their money…
Yummy Apples:
Yesterday our order came through from our collection last year and our students selected a whole lot of gear that they wanted shown above, which has been added to our PE shed now. Here is an online link to the collection charts if you need any more or if Nana or Grandad would like to help out too.
Year 5/6 Camp Information:
Cameron and Karen sent out a Hero post with lots of information about their upcoming camp to Highland Home. Please come and see them if you need to know anything, they are there to help.
Epic with Oscar:
Yesterday, Oscar started back with us with his weekly Epic Music lessons (he was away last Thursday) and he is stoked to be back with us again. For those of you who don’t know, Oscar is an ex-Turitea student and it is great that he is giving back to the community that he grew up in.
Toys at School:
Just a reminder that we have a ‘No Toys at School’ policy at Turitea School. We have had some issues with these in the playground when kids smuggle them into school. Please note this includes soft toys, as they can become a distraction. We have plenty of soft toys at school for kids that might need extra comfort.
What will Palmy look like in 2034:
You might remember that I shared information last year. If your child is keen to share their thoughts on what Palmy could look like in 2034, check out the link here. What a cool activity to do
Yeah Girls Cricket:
Sarah and Abby finished their cricket sessions and are only coming back to work with those girls in Year 4-6 who have signed up for Yeah! Girls Cricket here. These will be 5 lunchtime sessions over the next few weeks.
Triathlon Series:
I loved seeing so many students rocking their t-shirt from the Palmy Kid’s Tri Series which returned on Monday for the next 4 weeks. These events are aimed at children aged 4-12 years. More information can be found on this flier if you want to do the remainder of the season.
Triple P Positive Parenting:
The Triple P staff at ACROSS Te Kotahitanga O Te Wairua are excited to be able to offer parents free 2-hour ‘Positive Parenting’ courses in Term 1 2024. Find all the information here. The recent Tots to Teens magazine, which is often filled with parent tips and ‘hacks’ is linked here if you are interested.
YMCA Pickup from Park Rd:
The YMCA is looking to offer a pick up service from Turitea School and collection from the YMCA in Park Road if there is enough interest. If this might suit you, find more information here
Tokomaru Cubs:
If any whānau are keen to dive into the Cub life (ages 8-11), get in touch with the team by emailing For the spontaneous types, just drop by the Tokomaru Scouts Hall on Wednesdays at 5:30pm.
Palmy Events Next Weekend:
Lantern Parade – Next Friday 24th February from 6pm – 9.30pm. Festival of Cultures – World Food, Craft & Music Fair – Next Saturday 25th February from 10am – 4pm.
Hei ākuanei koutou (See you all soon)