
End of Term 4 Week 6 Pānui

Kia ora e te whānau, Today marks 14 days of school remaining in the year, how about that? Thank you to those of you who have taken the opportunity to provide your feedback around our class placement for 2023. I welcome you to have your say and fill out this form if you haven’t done so already. I want to acknowledge that our idea of running two Year 4-6 classrooms is a change to what has previously been done out here. Now I could bombard you with a bunch of research that supports this methodology, however this has been common...


End of Term 4 Week 5 Pānui

Kia ora e te whānau, Hoping this finds you all doing well as we head past the halfway point of the term.  Staffing for 2023: Next year, Karen Walker is rejoining the team after taking leave this year. We look forward to her being back, in fact she is in for Trish this morning, so everyone will enjoy that. Bridgit James is taking refreshment leave for 2023 and she will be sorely missed, but she has assured us that it is just leave! We will finalise her replacement for next year in the coming weeks and let you know the outcome. Changes for 2023:...


End of Term 4 Week 4 Pānui

Kia ora e te whānau, It’s been a funny old week with all our big kids away on their camp in Makahika this week. They came home yesterday with some amazing stories of having the best time and that’s what camp is all about. Lots of challenges faced and overcome, I am so proud of all of them! I was gutted to not make it down there as we have had a lot of teachers down to accommodate here. I’ll just have to listen to Cameron’s yarns about it all. LOL! Thanks again to our amazing parent helpers; Rusty, Rob,...


End of Term 4 Week 3 Pānui

What a magic day we had on Saturday for our annual Lamb, Calf and Pet Day! A massive thanks to the PTA and all those who stepped in and helped make the day come together. Whether you set up equipment for us, turned a snag on the barbie, baked and decorated a cake, sold raffle tickets or painted faces, it all contributed to a great day showcasing our school value of whanaungatanga (positive relationships).