
End of Term 3 Week 1 Pānui

Nau mai, hoki mai ki te kaupeka tuatoru. (Welcome back to Term 3) Our Monday morning was beautiful with our usual Mihi Whakatau (Traditional Welcome) that we have to welcome our new whānau members to Turitea. Starting the term together as a whole school is a great showing of our school uara (value) of whanaungatanga (relationships). It also educates our tamariki about an important process in Te Ao Māori (The Māori World) and we know having exposure to this, will normalise this tikanga (traditions) when we visit Rangimarie Marae in Week 9. Watch this space… 


End of Term 2 Pānui

We’ve made it whānau - Half way through the school year already! We trust you all received your child’s report through Hero (Or via their school bag if they are in Rimu). Hopefully you were able to find the time to sit with your tamariki and go through this with them to share in their successes. Although these reports are designed for the parents or whānau to read, our kaiako craft these in a way that celebrates the ākonga (student) as a learner. All too often, the people that the report is about, don’t actually get to see/hear what is...