
End of Term 2 Week 1 Pānui

Well the vibe around the place after the holidays is really positive, so we’ve started off the new term in great shape! This week we welcomed lots of new whānau to the school. We did this with a Mihi Whakatau (informal welcome) to set the tone for what Turitea School is all about for our new families. A huge thanks to Shane Hutson from Te Whānau Māori who did the whaikorero (speech) on behalf of our new whānau. It was also nice to officially welcome Hannah who joined our teaching staff this week working alongside Meagan in Rimu.


End of Term 1 Pānui

Kia ora e te whānau, And just like that, we have nearly finished Term 1! This week we welcomed Patrick to Rimu, who finally joins his big sister Quinn at school. Unfortunately this afternoon we farewell Angus and Penny as they are returning home to Dunedin. We know they will be sorely missed by their friends here and the PTA appreciated all the mahi you’ve helped with Sonia. Safe travels to you and Shanon!  Learner Conferences: We have locked these in for Thursday 27th April from 3.15 - 5.45pm and Thursday 4th May from 2.15 - 7.30pm. School will finish...