
End of Term 1 Week 4 Pānui

Whaea Tūrehu has been working hard with our tamariki every Wednesday during Kapa Haka on learning new waiata (songs) and kupu (words). This morning at hui, they sang so beautifully without her, man I was proud to hear that. I’ll have to take a video for you all next time. We had some amazing leaders step up too which was great to see with Ada, Nate, Iti and Maikara showcasing their leadership - Ka mau te wehi! (great job). Our goal in Kapa Haka is to take the whole school to perform in Pae Tamariki in Term 3 at the...


End of Term 1 Week 3 Pānui

Hoping you all managed to not be affected by Cyclone Gabrielle this week. Our river was certainly pretty full! Unfortunately the same can’t be said for some of those in the Hawke’s Bay, East Coast, Auckland and Northland regions who have been hit badly. Some truly devastating scenes from there. I know in our senior classes, some authentic learning occurred around cyclones and earthquakes in light of these recent events. I am hoping that some social action will come from our tamariki in what we might be able to do to help.


End of Term 1 Week 2 Pānui

Why is it that when we have a short week at school, we try to fit more than a whole week's worth of things into it? Needless to say, we are back in the swing of things at school. A special welcome to Esme and her whānau who are new to Turitea and started in Rimu with Meagan this week. This week on Tuesday, we had Natalie and Maureen from OfficeMax run our weekly Staff Hui. They put us through our paces and made us be learners too, getting us involved in a range of Art, STEM and Digital Learning...


End of Term 1 Week 1 Pānui

Kia ora e te whānau, We had a beautiful Mihi Whakatau to welcome our new whānau to the school on Tuesday, which I found really special. It was nice to set the tone for the year from this and ‘live and breathe’ our uara (values) of Whanaungatanga (Positive Relationships) and Manaakitanga (Kindness and Hospitality) in doing this important ceremony in Te Ao Māori.  We are delighted to welcome to our school; Billy, Ethan, Greer, Mila, George and Michael, who are all brand new whānau to Turitea School in Rimu with Meagan. Finally joining their older siblings who are already here...