
End of Term 1 Week 5 Pānui

He mihi tino nui ki a koutou, (Warmest greetings to you all) My apologies for the disruptions at the end of the street due to the pipeworks being completed along Old West Road. Although this is entirely out of my control, I understand your frustrations at pick up and drop off at the lack of parking and the long wait times. Hopefully this is completed soon and we can get back to normal. On Monday, we had Beckett start his schooling journey with Anna in Rimu, taking them up to 10. There is nothing like walking into that space in...


End of Term 1 Week 4 Pānui

Ngā mihi mahana ki a koutou, (Warm greetings to you all) A special ‘Selamat Datang, which means welcome in Malay’ to Daniel, who started with us in Rimu with Anna on Monday. We know you will love being part of the Turitea whānau and you have already settled into our kura so well already. Today is Hannah’s last day with us as she takes a much needed break before giving birth to her third child next month. We know we will see her again soon with her son Wyatt starting with us in July and hopefully she brings out her...


End of Term 1 Week 3 Pānui

Ngā mihi mahana ki a koutou, (Warm greetings to you all) Hari rā whakanui aroha (Happy Valentine's Day). Hope your significant other has looked after you extra well today! As you can see above, yesterday we officially opened our Bike Track and what an amazing resource we now have at our kura. We had many happy riders and I think some kids would have done at least a hundred laps of it already! Huge thanks again goes to our PTA for making this happen, all of you for contributing to this through their fundraisers, Tyler (Mila’s Dad) for volunteering his ‘digging’ time/resources...


End of Term 1 Week 2 Pānui

Tēnā koutou katoa, Getting in to you all a whole lot earlier than I would normally with Waitangi Day āpōpō (tomorrow) and our Staff Only Day on Friday. I don’t think I’ve ever written a pānui during term time on a Wednesday before! Well the team from C&H Concreting certainly don’t muck around as you can see above considerable progress on our Bike Track since last week when they started. Heath and his team have put in the mahi (work) to get this ready for our kids despite the extra hot days we’ve had this week. Huge thanks to them, as well as Tony from...