
End of Term 3 Week 8 Pānui

The last two days have probably been the most satisfying and rewarding in all my time here at Turitea School. And from the kōrero (conversations) that we had at our Staff Hui last night, it seemed I wasnā€™t alone in thinking this way. Our kaiako shared their whakaaro (thoughts) about their experience at Te Rangimārie Marae and I just had to share some of these with you:


End of Term 3 Week 7 Pānui

Perhaps we need a dress up day every Friday? Our kids love it and it is really ā€˜bucket fillingā€™ seeing them arrive at school looking so bright, happy and pumped as you can see above! The perfect way to come to kura if you ask me... Todayā€™s theme around spring colours was to keep building the hype for our Spring Fling which is on next weekend. OurĀ Facebook eventĀ tells us we could expect upwards of 500 people coming along, which would be absolutely amazing! Hope this date is locked in your calendar and youā€™ve told your friends, colleagues and neighbours all...