
End of Term 1 Pānui

Yesterday, with support from our military parents, we were able to provide our students with a mini Anzac Service. We are extremely grateful to Hunter (Topher and Ben’s Dad) who organised this special experience to educate our tamariki about the significance of April 25th in Aotearoa New Zealand history. As you can see above, Kahikatea did some real life maths learning about how to lay the crosses at the top of our field in the correct format. We appreciate them doing this for our ākonga (students) to learn and pay our respects to remember those we lost.


End of Term 1 Week 10 Pānui

It is nice to be writing you the pānui for today, after letting Karen and Trish have a turn last week while I was away at a conference up in Te Tai Tokerau (Northland). I wonder if you could tell the difference in ‘writer voice’ when you read it and could tell it wasn’t me? I felt really lucky working with a different rōpu (group) of tumuaki (principals) in a beautiful part of our country that has rich spiritual and historical connections and soaking that all in (as you can see below). I urge you to make it up that...